Monday, February 22, 2010


unconditional love, its a wonder and yet its a mystery...

how do you love someone unconditionally or perhaps to earn an unconditional love from someone...its remains mystery up until now...or it would come naturally without u realizing it.

Friday, January 8, 2010

new year resolution

Saban tahun melangkah sahaja ke tahun baru, the first thing people will wish you *HAPPY NEW YEAR* yeah of course takkan nak ucap selamat hari raya plak kan...hehehe...then they will ask what is your new year resolution...soalan wajib new year resolution hurm apekah...yea berikut adalah antara my neaw year resolution:

1. Dispose as many cases as possible, to uphold justice InsyaAllah selagi termampu dan terdaya, human justice to be exact, pengadilan yang searif-arif nya hanyalah kuasa Allah dan Allah yang mampu memutuskan...tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan harap dapat dilaksanakan sebaik mungkin.

2. Nak dapat lesen motosikal *B* nak tunggang motosikal beso...heheh big bikes licence to be exact...which had been pending for a while, by this year need to get it done.

3. New laptop and an Ipod

4. Plasma TV hahaha...just to enhance my viewing pleasure hehehe

5. Nak beli landed property which i am still saving to pay the deposit..

6. Tukar rim keta kepada 17" or 18" rim hahaha plus some extra accesories..

8. hopes this will be a better InsyAllah...:)


Friday, December 11, 2009


lately its seems to be trend or something especially in the FB where most of *yesterdays* pictures were uploaded and its seems that we're back to the future once again....

if you were given chances to go back to any dates in the past would you ever change any of the history again.....would you??????

at first i do want to go back to certain dates and erase and reverse anything that i or edit my past....certain stuff i believe but what will happened then..i might do the said thing again in any blocks of my much written would be chaotic....everything happened for a reason, by making those mistakes in the past they very much part of the so called learning process and to improve yourself...

looking at the pictures when we're still student and very much lawyer wannabe hahaha....really have lots of sweet memories back then and let alone our stupidity and immaturity, which now i can i laugh at it....kiddies...but thats the sweetest thing of all, now all are grown up and having family on their own and became parents to the most cute and wonderful kids...

how time flies, soooo fast which i'am so afraid that i'am might be get left behind....pray for the best in life...

i wish i could became kids again live life to the fullest, less problems, simple life and care less about the world and the future....*sigh*....

Thursday, November 5, 2009


*ermmm.....terasa penat yang amat..jadual sgt padat...perlu habiskan kes sebelum end of year...iam not a robot but iam pushing my self to the limit......iam tired cant wait to take a long break by the end of the and until year end....nak bawak my parent holidaying and visiting family di sana sini...*..

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

life must go on....:p

what a week for me...its been a hard week and its getting worse when lots of thing to be dealt with in a very minimal time....

i was waiting for an answer from someone...its hard when hopes were given at the very beginning and yet you dont know where the relationship heading to...after weeks of waiting for the answer i cant wait for it anymore...after very much arguments at last a burden was lifted from my shoulder...i felt like a mountain was removed...feel free at this age i'am not the person who like to beat around the bushes...

At last an ultimatum was given..remains as friends and life goes on...

People, never ever gave hopes if u think u cant fulfill least i fell from the 2nd step of the ladder...not from the 14th floor so its just a spraint ankle...imagine if i fell from 14th floor...either iam dead or paralysed..cacat seumur hidup...hehehe...

well my second attempt and yet i failed...well what the heck..this is the end and i guess...i do not know what life have in store for me....we're crossing path at the wrong time in our life...most people would say "only if we met earlier"...well that's life...i cant change anything well the best i can do is just to wish them happiness in whatever...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

arah tujuan...

dah lama tol aku tak apdate blog nie....kali nie aku malas nak guna proper ayat...just ayat simple untuk post yang ni...

sebenarnya aku serabut gak aku skrg...mmg aa semua ok tapi lahiriah, tapi kengkadang terpikir gak arah tujuan aku nie..kemana aku pergi dalam hidup nie...i always have things planned..tapi skrg aku rasa semua plan aku dah jadi tunggang langgang...dah diluar kawalan...bila nak kawen, then bila nak buat master lagi nak amik PHd lagi...pening gak kengkadang...aku nak semua tu tapi sempat ke...

aku takmo setakat pemegang izajah je...dah ramai skrg nie..aku nak lebih, bukan untuk menunjuk tapi untuk kepuasa diri...harap2 dapat...bila lah agaknye...plan nak kawin asyik kena postpon...mak ayah mmg tak tanye, tapi dah selalu dapat hint takkan tak paham2 kan..

tgk aa..aku kena plan lagi perjalanan hidup aku nie....memang laa semua ditentukan oleh Allah s.w.t tapi tak salah untuk kita merancang dan berusaha ke arah tersebut...InsyaAllah...

Monday, September 21, 2009

baby AlEiSyA

the latest addition tothe family...Aleisya.. born on the 11.09.09....exactly at 12.00am....she's so adorable....

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