Saban tahun melangkah sahaja ke tahun baru, the first thing people will wish you *HAPPY NEW YEAR* yeah of course takkan nak ucap selamat hari raya plak kan...hehehe...then they will ask what is your new year resolution...soalan wajib ok...my new year resolution hurm apekah...yea berikut adalah antara my neaw year resolution:
1. Dispose as many cases as possible, to uphold justice InsyaAllah selagi termampu dan terdaya, human justice to be exact, pengadilan yang searif-arif nya hanyalah kuasa Allah dan Allah yang mampu memutuskan...tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan harap dapat dilaksanakan sebaik mungkin.

2. Nak dapat lesen motosikal *B* nak tunggang motosikal beso...heheh big bikes licence to be exact...which had been pending for a while, by this year need to get it done.

3. New laptop and an Ipod

4. Plasma TV hahaha...just to enhance my viewing pleasure hehehe

5. Nak beli landed property which i am still saving to pay the deposit..
6. Tukar rim keta kepada 17" or 18" rim hahaha plus some extra accesories..

8. hopes this will be a better InsyAllah...:)