Thursday, April 23, 2009


Semua tahu bukan Tunku Abdul Rahman adalah Prime Minister pertama malaysia and our bapa kemerdekaan laa...aku tak tau la either u guys tahu atau tak..iwas told by my staff kat sini bahawa cikgu sejarah diorg dahulu penah berkata bahawa nama our first prime minister iaitu setiap abjad i.e R, A, H, M, A, N itu adalah nama2 prime minister yang bakal memerintah Malaysia...
Creepy but its true dia...
R - Rahman (1st Prime Minister)
A - Abdul Razak (2nd Prime Minister)
H - Hussein Onn (3rd Prime Minister)
M -Mahathir (4th Prime Minister)
A - Abdullah (5th Prime Minister)
N - Najib (6th Prime Minister)
Yang coincidence ke atau betuL, aku pun tak tahu..but actually aku pun tak tahu sebelum nie hih hik...kalau korang dah tau nampak nya masa kelas sejarah dulu aku tertidur kut hahaha...
anyway thats the fact..and so far semua nama-nama itulah our prime ministers..

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Hehehe bunyi tajuk nie mcm poyo kann..hahah tapi itulah sebenarnya apa yang sejang saya lakukan skrg...nak harap YB erm no comment nak tak nak saya kene buat sendiri laaa...sebenarnya posting ini adalah untuk saya meluahkan rasa ketidakpuasan hati dan karenah birokrasi di dalam jabatan-jabatan kerajaan...
kisah dia bermula semenjak saya pergi gym ni lahh...gym nie khas untuk kakitangan kerajaan dan turut untuk kegunaan orang ramai...maka saya pun pergilah, turut dimaklumkan bahawa terdapat jugak laa gym-gym yang lain yang berbayar but still untuk saya gym-gym yang lain tu sangat murah dan masih mampu untuk saya pergi jugak laaa...akan tetapi suasana di gym ni sangat seronok sebab semua orang sangat peramah dan bertegur sapa antara satu sama lain...
Ok, suasana mmg bes laa tapi apa yang menyedihkan adalah peralatan dan kemudahan lain di gym ini sangat kurang dan tidak di selia dengan sebaik mungkin....ermmmm PELIKKKKKK??????????
setahu saya kami bayar setiap hari untuk masuk walau pun RM1 seorang tidak cukupkah...setiap hari purata pengunjung adalah seramai 15-20 orang....ok takpa kemudian kerajaan turut memberi peruntukan untuk penyeliaan dan penjagaan peralatan....ermmm lagi pelik...kemanakah wang-wang tersebut?????????????
Ok disebabkan sifat ingin tahu yang amat mendalam saya pun menjadi *joyah* menyibuk sana-sini, korek punya korek, gali punya gali macam-macam cerita yang keluar..hanky panky sana la bila dah lama sama buat kerja tak berfaedah orang-orang ini akan ingat semua orang tak tahu dan tak ada orang ambil peduli la...skrg saya masih dalam proses menyiasat dan membuat panggilan kesana sini...
Ingatlah pegawai-pegawai yang terlibat, kita nie kakitangan awam..kita bekerja dan berbakti setiap hari untuk orang awam..pasai apa kita nak khianat orang awam...sepandai-pandai tupai melompat akan jatuh kedalam lubang tahi jugak...ada paham...
kalau peruntukan disalurkan, salurkanlah kepada piak2 yang berhak...bukan takde orang guna kemudahan tersebut, ada ramai lagi....tapi mereka tak berani nak bersuara...bila orang kepoh macam aku ni guna of course aku akan bertanya dan terfikir...KENAPA DAN MENGAPA...sekarang baru la sibuk, risau dan tak tidur lena....takpa kita tunggu dan lihat...wahahahahahaha (gelak jahat)....

Monday, April 13, 2009

here, there and everywhere.....

Jong's Crocodile Farm....

beautiful white crocs...

This is what they claimed to be the skull of the mighty Bujang Senang...ermm which i doubt...according to the locals its still roam freely in Batang Lupar River...

Waterfront di Kuching...

ini lah kesan "kesangapan melampau"....aku pun merayau dan melepak di waterfront seorang diri..ahaks...

Damai room view....cantik kannnn

My Precious kittens....

Jadi jaga bergaji kan makanan....suka melepak depan pintu....

New addition to my canine family...Oogey...persian+tabby.....i love his marble pattern...cute kann...

My cute persian...Gracie

Gracie and Me...

Gracie tengah mengada-ngada...chettt

Fishing at Batang Ai Dam...
ni gambar from my hp, other pics will be posted later malas nak donlod lagik hahaha..leceh cuz have to resize....

so calm and serene...airnya MasyaAllah sgt jernih we can see the fishies swimming kat dalam....

view from where i sat and habiskan buku cerita....

Kononnya memancing wakakaka......

the side of the dam yang jadi my fishing port for the day...

My Brother trying his fishing skills which end up dapat Ikan Kaloi je yang banyak....

ni je lah keje aku...wakakakka....

best sgt this place very peaceful...i will definitely arrange another trip soon which i will charter a boat...SERIOUS main2 je...test power hahahaha....

Cats..saja letak gamba diorg...hehehehe

Oogey punye gamba paspot...nak hanto g indon...jadi buruh...mata sepet...hahaha

My Cats day out...rare privilege for them...hahaha

Gracie saw something...i dont know what...laaa

Sleepy head.....chett tido ini macam kaa kuching....

Oogey and Fat Louie...
jaga pintu...macam reflection pun ada....

Thursday, April 9, 2009

crossing paths...

"hey thats my way, noooo its mine...move ur big *&%*"

Owh its thursday and tomorrow is a public holiday "Good Friday" and my brother planned a get away trip...which we plan to go fishing at "Batang Ai" dam....well what the heck i have nothing to do anyway...its can be considered a long weekend and fast forward to next week...OMG its an extremely hectic week i'll be on travelling from Monday to Friday...

Ok back to the topic....being in a small town we bump into very familiar face everyday, same person same people and yet we went to the same departmental store and pharmacy even clinics hahaha...well being a "M*&^%#$E my scope of work allows me to meet lots of people on daily basis and its the most challenging when u live in a very small town and covering few places which is a small town as well...

Gosh just imagine yesterday i bump into an accused at the same coffee shop and he smile at me....its like a "hint" urghhh...the uneasyness streams into my blood and the whole organ of my body felt the uncomfinesss.....but thats the challenges that we have to face on daily basis...

Oooo yeaaa another case quite interesting i guess which clashes between two powerful family in my court....both of them have the strongest connection with some big politician in "Sarawak" lagi court will become a circus if it was their case...the whole Rumah Panjang and their supporter as well as family members will come....i have to call for Traffic Police and more Police Officer juz to prevent chaos....well people can get emotional easily right...both of the family are not in talking terms at the moment...

Thats life is...we might cross into each other path once in a while...i never imagine in my freakiest imagination that iam gonna cross into many people path...and i even help in colouring it...semua dengan izin Allah s.w.t....
And that how we met (sesiapa yang baca post ini) we cross each other path and we become friends...hehehe and may it last forever...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


ilham untuk menulis topik nie tiba setelah ber "chit chatting" kat YM with my friend...she reminds me of an email yang i received years back...tapi aku dah lupa laa bila cuz dah delete...but vaguely i still remember the content of it...sebab its funny but yet thats the reality and its bite...hahahha..serba sedikit yang aku ingat laaa..its a comparison senang cerita laaa...some modification made...tapi roughly idea dia mcm tu laaaa....mesej yang nak disampaikan:-
1. Kalau orang cantik/hensem buat silap...
Orang akan berkata nasib baik dia cun/hensem takpe takpe lain kali jangan buat lagi k..
2. Kalau orang kurang cantik/hodoh buat silap..
Oraang akan berkata dah la huduh bodoh plak tu, dah dah pergi jauh2 hampehhh tolll...
3. Kalau orang cantik/hensem tersadung dan jatuh..
Kesiannya...jatuh terduduk masih cun..kesian dia meh tolong dia mehhh...
4.Kalau orang kurang cantik/hodoh tersadung dan jatuh..
wakakaka padan muka, mata letak kat lutut ape...berangan cantik la tuu...
5. Kalau orang cantik/hensem mintak tolong..*contoh kat kaunter laaa*
org kat kaunter akan ternganga jap cantiknya/hensemnyaaa...kemudian dengan penuh senyuman akan membantu walaupun lama...
6. Kalau orang kurang cantik/hodoh mintak tolong "contoh sama di kaunter laaa*
hampeh dia nie ke datang kat kaunter aku ke...aduhh lama lagi ker....kalau buleh tunduk tak tgk org tu pun...
Cukup2 laa tu aku pun pening dah....tapi roughly mcm tu laa reality manusia, siapa kita nak judge org tu hodoh ke cantik ke...semua tu ciptaan Allah kann...kita sama mcm menghina ciptaanNya...
Tapi mmg double standard ti berlaku di mana2....nak nak kalau kita ni nobody...memang teruk laa kita jadi mangsa...i experienced it since dari sekolah until now...but yet i survive...tapi untuk menukar pemikiran dan mentaliti sebegini memang payah dan *mission immpossible*... lain la kalau duit kita berkepuk kat dalam poket seratus keturunan pun makan tak habis...only then org akan pandang kita dengan sepulug bijik mata wakakakaka...

Friday, April 3, 2009

exhausted and tired...

This past few weeks had been the most challenging weeks for me and the most hectic as i may recall...
meetings, conference and circuit seating without miss nor fail...from one state to another, from district to another and from one court to another...i was deprive of my sleep especially during the conference....more and more statistics and number of disposal of cases of cases in my courts and so on and so fort...we call stresstistic as well hahaha
we as judicial officers to be specific in Sarawak were expected to disposed more cases than our counterparts in Peninsular, time frame given for waiting period for disposal of each and every cases given are shorter..for Civil and Criminal case waiting period are only within 6-9 months...
More and more circular are circulating and direction to be followed...iam not whining nor complaining...i love my job hehehe...most of the time i juz cant wait to go back to the office and do what i was supposed to do...
well more pressure for us but yes thats life is...unless you are your own boss..then the pressure are only on yourself...
as for now iam still enjoying and and hoprefully for the years to come...InsyaAllah...
this also shows that we do practice what we preach which is "BUAT KERJA" hehehe
as government servant we are efficient.....

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