blurp blurp blurp.......

...Well believe it or not almost 3 bulan dah aku tak trime paycheck....eventho my parent and my fren always tries to keep me positive and console my by saying...its ok by end of february iam gonna receive a handsome pay cheque...yada yada yada...tapi nak tunggu tu masyaAllah dugaan yg amat....

...i survive with the help of my parents and some saving i had before..but all exhausted already adehh...mcm lemas tau kejap tenggelam and i kick again timbul balik...then teggelam hp dah kene bar, credit card tak dapat bayar lagi...they kept calling me like crazy....adehhhhh...minyak keta nak kene isik...sob sob sob...

The now i need to figure out how am i gonna survive until end of the month to be specific 25th furniture pun courtesy my hahahha....cuz my house empty sgt so need get few stuff...thats why i love my parent so much...
MY saving dah tahap kemarau yg amat despite sarawak dilanda banjir yang paling teruk ever haha...kann bes kalau saving melimpah ruah macam banjir kat sarawak nie..baru besh...heheheh nasib baik dapat belas ehsan from my parents...or shuld i menyamar jadi mangsa banjir...ermm ok gak tu ahaks.....

But no complaints tho...nasib baik la adik beradik ramai...ramai yang kene pau ngan kuang kuang kuang...i bet they would always thought kalau aku yg kol mesti nak mintak duit hahaha...well what can i say..pindah balik swak hari tu pun dah costs almost thousands....
Despite dah buat lelongan terbuka wakaka...

oooo yaa tak lama lagi a new addition to my little kitty family...a Pure Persian female kitten hehehe...on the way masih dalam proses rundingan hehehe...kalau dapat OMG she's adorable...then i have 3 kitten laaa....i miss my Rona and Roni so much.......tak sabar nak ambil diorg end of this month....
loan parents tade interest kan? hihi! ala, boleh tu survive, tak lama lagi dh. then boleh enjoy katak! hahah! kalo dekat boleh gak kita blanja2. heh. -wahida
ReplyDeletehahahha...ehh nak kene beli present untuk anak buah aku heheh 3 org...
ReplyDeleteanak abg aku, my sis yang coming soon and anak korg hahaha....aku post je ekk...
zul, kalo ko perlu 'bail-out' plan, bagitau je la... x perlu la ko menjual 'body' ko untuk mendapatkan duit... warkhahaha!
ReplyDeletecesss...hazri mulut.....jahat tauu...aku dah tak laku laa wakakakaka.....bail plan dah lama ready...untuk menyetelkan mountain of debt yg aku dah buat hahahah....
ReplyDeletepost je? tamau. tamau. kena dtg tgk gak. (cheh, demanding tak aku?) heh! -wahida
ReplyDeletehahaha...wahida aku leh je pegi....flite tiket ditanggung hahahaha....aku ok jer...wakakakaka....*gelak evil penuh makna*...
ReplyDeletetakpe, nanti dapat, segedebuk.
ReplyDeletehehehe....btul tu Am...nak tggu dpt segedebuk tu..jatuh melepek dulu ye dak...hehehe...
ReplyDeletecian la dapat segedebuk pon kua pon segedebuk gak sb nk baya utang kan?hehe..
ReplyDeletetu laa pasalll....hahaha...