Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hujan oh Hujan kenapa engkau turun.....:o(

OMG, i read the weather forecast for sarawak in the website tadi...ermmm their forescast (so far seems to be true) that its gonna rain until sunday...adehhh i know hujan adalah rahmat tapi its comes together with a price la kan...baju ku tak kering, cannot go jogging and swimming, kasut ku sentiasa basah and selesema...achuuuummmm...(bersin dengan laungan yg kuat hhehe)...
Then takleh nak jogging...swimming pun takleh takut kene kilat cuz they only have outdoor swimming pool yg open air takde yg indoor...yea we being human...we loves to complains..hujan komplen...panas komplen..suam suam kuku komplen..dan bla bla bla....huhu...
Ermmm nak g gym tak tau katne...ada yg ckp kat Kementerian Belia dan Sukan ada gym..but i was told its really hot there cuz they dont have any aircond..yela public gym iam again complaining hahahha...
Well dah tu i need to keep myself fit...i havent work out for 2 days..badan dah sengal sengal hopefully petang kang tak hujan so i can go swimming...then malam g joging...yeahaaaa....


  1. wah. rajin giler jogging! tak byk kes ke Tuan? hehe. -wahida

  2. biasa la wahida..dah kat sini kul 5 da i have banyak masa untuk beriadah chewahhh...

  3. wah, kalau hujan je, boleh tukar aktiviti swiming plak la...hahahahaha


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