Friday, January 9, 2009

its Friday...

Yet its gonna be another long weekend for me hunting...adehh...
T0morrow i will be going to sri aman tho...need to look for a house..a small yet peaceful town...its about 2 and a half hour drive from kuching...the place where i might be residing for the next one year or so...biasa la keje gomen kene tendang sana sini tu i have to got use to it as well..nomadic life...heheheh
Population mainly Iban, some malays as well...what surprise me the most is that , in sri aman they have almost all branches of banks, juz name it local or international..except for jeng jeng en. Harimau...all this while en. Harimau can be seen anywhere..surprisingly not in Sri Aman hahahaha....
Well wish me luck guys...harap2 dapat jumpe rumah yang walking distance je to the court..ya laa as of now i have yet to get myself a car...chinese new year nanti baru ada...for the time being kene menapak dulu huhu...
Chow Chin Chau....


  1. selamat menapak~ bagus utk kesihatan!

  2. if u want any help to find a house there,gimme a call, i still got contacts over there-ex dpp swak.

  3. lawak la ko zul bab harimau tuh.... kahkahkah :p nway good luck and jangan lupa post gambar terrrbaru umah ko plaks!!!!

  4. Mr.D.. if u can help would be really glad..tak jumpe rumah lagi...banyak rumah kosong tapi takde number telephone laaaa....

    Farah: hehehehe...kannnn selama nie en. harimau merata-rata kaannn..tapi kat situ takdek...


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