This is my princess..the only budak-budak in my family.....this year she's started attending her pre-school...her name is Ell Ezra binti Tazrin...she's almost 4 years old this year...but look she does look older..taller than any of the kid her age....cucu abah...cuz she's really attached to my dad...

My dad told me she's so excited bout the idea of going to school..ye la cuz all this while she's surounded by adults takde rakan sebaya langsung, so now everytime she came back from school she's so happy dapat kawan ramai...her age hehehhe....
She went to the same pre-school i did before and surprisingly the same teacher who taught me and my sisters and brothers now taught her pulak...wahhhhh...the same generation went to the same pre-school...hahaha but she's not at all like us...she's soo briliant and she can sang lagu jepun and english as well (pengaruh kartun jepun di animax) adehhh...she can read plak tu...yela anak cikgu la katakan....
But we love her sooo muchhh....she's the princess of the family and she rules hahahaha....but thanks god the fact that she got all the spot lights, she's not spoiled at all...
1. not camera shy at all...
2. she's good with gadgets..(budak zaman sekarang kan)..
3. suka berposing maut...hehehe
4. very well mannered cuz when i was her age...sgt lasak hehehehe....and tak dengar cakap...
well we share the same gene but...she's half sabahan though...at times she so proud of it...hehehe being half sino dusun (kalau tak silap) and half melanau.....
ReplyDeleteshe is kannnn....
ReplyDeleteEeeee! Cute! I nak bawak balik simpan dalam lemari boley?
ReplyDeleteehhh...linness ape ko ingat anak buah aku tu anak patung...cessss...aku masa kecik dulu pun cute mcm tu gaks..hahahahha...same gene maaaa..
ReplyDeleteAla, comey! aku teringat lagi MMS Video ko kat Hazri pasal dia, "kami bukan along, kami nk tolong!" sooo cute! -wahida
ReplyDeletehahahah...kannn..budak nie petah sgt berkata-kata....
ReplyDeletetomeynyeeee... jgn bawak jumpa wahida, kang diterus tak nak bagi balik~ hahahaha!
ReplyDeletehahahha..ko nie zulll...